The portal was created in the summer of 2005. Initially it was intended as an entertaining portal of local character with information exclusively from Kakanj. At a time when the Internet was available to a small number of users in Bosnia and Herzegovina, kakanj-x was the pioneer of internet journalism in Kakanj. Kakanj-x is expanding in mid-2012 when the redesign of the site is accessed by more professional work, which is reflected in the content of the site and its accessibility.Kakanj-x is the most visited information portal in the municipality of Kakanj, and the second most visited information portal in the Canton. Our articles were downloaded; Večernji list, Jutarnji list,,, We find, Fuji TV, Face TV, OBN, Dnevni avaz, Kakanjske novine and many more and have been read in the program Radio Kaknja.Kakanj-X always strives to inform its readers in a timely manner about all current affairs from all walks of life, respecting the postulates of journalistic profession and professional standards.The portal highlights current problems in various fields with the aim of positive social change, but above all affirms positive values, people and events that contribute to creating a healthy and positive atmosphere in society. The content of the portal has been steadily increasing and improving since its inception.Kakanj-x is one of the media that has a professional newsroom composed of professional journalists and informatics, associates who are students of journalism, as well as associates in other Bosnian cities such as Zenica, Sarajevo, Tuzla…Kakanj-x publishes its own content, but also legally exchanges media content with news outlets and web portals.